Top 5 Items to Have In Your Diaper Bag For a Toddler

I guess I can finally say that I am an “experienced” Mom. I have three little boys and over the past five years I have really learned a lot. I was so scared when my first son arrived because I had no idea what I was doing, but as time went on I learned and I am blessed to be raising three amazing little boys. Hopefully all of you can learn from my mistakes and I can help you with the figuring out your Top Five Items to Have In a Diaper Bag For a Toddler. Top 5 items to have in your diaper bag for toddlersBut, those first few weeks were scary. It is an awesome, yet overwhelming experience being a new mother. I can honestly say that I was unprepared the first time we took our son out of our home. I had no idea the items that I should have packed with us in our diaper bag. Who would have thought a tiny person would NEED so many items!I have definitely learned from my mistakes and realized that my kids are constantly changing and so are the items I pack in our diaper bag. Now that my youngest is eighteen months old I do not have to carry around so many baby items in our diaper bag. But, I still do like to have the essentials just in case.It is hard to narrow it down to a few items but below you will see my top five items to have in a diaper bag for a toddler. If you would rather see the items I picked you can watch the video here: 

Top 5 Items to Have In a Diaper Bag For a Toddler:

Extra Outfit - Having an extra change of clothes is definitely a necessity. You never know when your child is going to spit-up, spill or even have a really bad diaper. It is good to always have something for them to change into just in case.Diapers & Wipes - I am sure this one is a given for anyone who has a child that is not potty trained. I always make sure that we have plenty of wipes in our diaper bag because my older two boys need them all the time to clean up spills or wipe of their hands.Sippy Cup - I like to have a sip cup in our diaper bag all the time because my youngest is not able to drink out of regular cups. I normally fill it up with ice water before we leave the house just in case I need it while we are at a park or a restaurant.Bib - My son is still teething so he is constantly drooling everywhere. A bib {or 5!} is a definite must!First Aid Kit - You never know when your child will get hurt so it is always good to be prepared. I like to have a small first aid kit with a few important items just in case. One of my boys is always falling or getting cut while we are out so this has come in handy quite a few times. Top 5 items to have in your diaper bag for toddlersAs you child grows you top items for a diaper bag will change too. To get all the items you need to stock your diaper bag you can go to Baby Depot at Burlington like I do. Not only will you find everything you need but you will get the best deals on all mom-trusted baby items. Find a store near you. Giveaway! Let me know in the comments what some of your essential items are for a diaper bag and you could win a $50 gift card to Baby Depot at Burlington. Winner will be chosen randomly. Open to US residents only. Giveaway ends 4/28/15 at 11:59PM.

Baby Depot Burlington

Burlington Stores sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.


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